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الشراين المغلقة بالقلب ونقص الترويه
تحتاج لقسطرة وشبكة وتكلف 6 الف دولار
كحد ادنى اليكم طريقة علاج بتكلفة 2 دولار
علاج نهائي لفتح الشرايين المغلقة ...
صدقة جاريةعلى روح ابي وروحي وروح كل من يشارك منشوري

وصفه لعلاج الشرايين المغلقة (المسدودة)في الجسم ولا يعرفها أطباء وهي كانت سر مكتوم
طريقة تحضير الخلطة والمكونات:
ملء فنجان شاي زنجبيل طازج + وعصيرليمونة واحدة +٢ (فص)ثوم مفروم+غطاء واحد خل تفاح.
يخلط الجميع ويوضع في كأس كبير عليه ماء مغلي ويترك لمدة عشر دقائق
ثم يشرب منه  وستشعر براحه ووصيتي الكل بأن يستخدم هذه الطريقة شهريا لتنظيف الشرايين في جسمه
اتمنى ان تصل الى مريض فتكون سببا في شفاؤه بإذن الله......
قد لا يكون لك أحد تعرفه مصاب بإنسداد في الشرايين.... لكن لا تعلم من قد يستفيد منها...رب دعوة في ظلام الليل لمريض يتألم ....تصل لعرش الرحمن ....ونحن نيام .....


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The  cardiac cycle  is the performance of the  human heart  from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next. It consists of two periods: one during which the heart muscle relaxes and refills with blood, called  diastole  ( / d aɪ ˈ æ s t ə l i / ), followed by a period of robust contraction and pumping of blood, dubbed  systole  ( / s ɪ s ˈ t ə l i / ). After emptying, the heart immediately relaxes and expands to receive another influx of blood  returning from  the lungs and other systems of the body, before again contracting to  pump blood to  the lungs and those systems. A normally performing heart must be fully expanded before it can efficiently pump again. Assuming a healthy heart and a typical rate of 70 to 75 beats per minute, each cardiac cycle, or heartbeat, takes about 0.8 seconds to complete the cycle. [2] Cardiac cycle Organisms Animalia * Biological system Circulatory system Health Beneficial Action Involuntary Method Blood is allowed to enter rel
Main Navigation How To Always Stay Motivated. By admin On July 29, 2018 In Motivation / Mindset Facebook Tweet Google+ Lots of people have problems staying motivated, even when the conditions are good. So how can people stay motivated if things are not going your way, you have a couple of setbacks, you have lots of things to do, the washing machine is broken etc. Individual motivation is the answer to maintaining most aspects of life. When you are not motivated about something, you prefer to waste your time on certain things, like television. If you are motivated, you are likely to go for your personal and professional goals with a passion. However, everyone has a lack of motivation from time to time, even the most successful people. Here are some tips to keep motivated: #1: Make sure to visualize your goals frequently. You should see it in your mind, feel it and believe it. When you visualize frequently you really will believe it is real. This way you also keep reminding yours